

Refine Your Profile with Kybella Treatment

Embrace a more defined chin contour with Dr. Boris Goldman's Kybella injections in Connecticut. As the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for submental fat, Kybella offers a targeted solution to reduce the appearance of a double chin, enhancing your profile with minimal downtime.

Understanding Kybella

Kybella is a groundbreaking treatment that utilizes deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally occurring in the body, to dissolve and absorb dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella leads to the destruction of fat cells, resulting in a more contoured and sleeker chin profile.

Is Kybella Right for You?

Determining if Kybella is the right choice for you involves a consultation with Dr. Goldman. Ideal candidates are those bothered by submental fullness or a double chin who are seeking a non-surgical solution. Together, you and Dr. Goldman will customize your treatment plan based on your desired outcome.

Your Kybella Treatment Journey

The Kybella treatment process is tailored to your specific needs:

  • Typically involves 2 to 4 treatment sessions for visible results
  • Each session includes multiple injections under the chin
  • Up to 6 sessions may be administered, spaced at least one month apart

Expectations and Results

Following your Kybella treatment:

  • You may experience visible improvement in your chin profile
  • The destroyed fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat, leading to lasting results
  • Once your aesthetic goals are achieved, retreatment with Kybella is not expected

Why Choose Dr. Boris Goldman for Kybella?

Opting for Kybella treatment with Dr. Goldman guarantees:

  1. Expertise in administering Kybella for optimal results
  2. A personalized approach to treatment planning
  3. A commitment to patient satisfaction and safety

Meet Dr. Boris Goldman

Dr. Goldman's extensive experience in cosmetic injectables, including Kybella, ensures that you receive expert care tailored to your specific needs and aesthetic goals.

About Dr. Goldman →

Consultation: Your Path to a Sleeker Chin

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Goldman to discuss how Kybella can help you achieve a more refined chin profile and enhance your overall appearance.

Schedule Your Consultation →

Embrace a More Defined Chin with Kybella

Ready to experience the transformative effects of Kybella in Connecticut? Contact Dr. Boris Goldman today to begin your journey toward a more defined and confident you.

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